"Ghost Girl, Banana" by Wiz Wharton, a powerful and captivating debut novel that unravels family secrets and explores themes of identity, race, and belonging across two generations.
In this compelling tale, set in 1960s Hong Kong and 1990s London, the hidden life of a mother is revealed to her daughter through a surprising inheritance. As readers embark on a journey through time and continents, they will be immersed in a story that asks profound questions and keeps them on the edge of their seats.
This book is part of Hallesches Haus’s Summer 2023 selection
Family Drama
Whether you love your family or want to abolish the family, we have chosen a selection of books – novels, non-fiction, poetry and memoir – that attest to what we all know to be true: family is complicated business.
With the change of the season, at Hallesches Haus we create a new reading list full of books that inspire us on a loose topic. Whether you tend towards novels, poetry, non-fiction, self-help or genre fiction, we hope that the selection will surprise you and lead you discover a title outside your reading list.
Discover more books here!