Apartamento Cookbook #9 Sandwiches - Hallesches Haus

Apartamento Cookbook #9 Sandwiches


Apartamento Cookbook #9: A Celebration of Sandwiches!

For the ninth edition of the annual Apartamento cookbook, we’re celebrating one of the world’s most beloved foods: Sandwiches! Whether hot or cold, open or closed, savory or veggie, overloaded BBQ, or even a classic ice cream sandwich, these 16 mouthwatering recipes highlight the versatility and creativity behind this simple yet iconic dish.

From white bread to artisanal rye, this book explores how chefs from diverse backgrounds have elevated the humble sandwich into something truly special. With beautiful illustrations by Orfeo Tagiuri, Apartamento Cookbook #9 is a must-have for food lovers and sandwich enthusiasts alike.

Featuring recipes from:

Alex Loveless, Alison Roman, Anthony Ha & Sadie Burns, Bre Graham, Canvis Nous, Cynthia Shanmugalingam, Imogen Kwok, Jago Rackham, Jason Stewart, Jiro Hsu & Michael Janczewski, Nadia Gilbert, Naiara Sabandar, Nicolai Nørregaard, Rirkrit Tiravanija, and more!

Book Details:
Publisher: Apartamento Publishing S.L.
Release Date: 2024
Format: Hardcover
llustrations: Drawings by Orfeo Tagiuri

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