In the Plissan collection by Holaria from Brazil, texture becomes form and form becomes texture, in creations that question the boundaries between these two qualities of matter.
Holos in Greek means “whole.”
Olaria, in Portuguese, is the place or activity of making ceramics.
We joined these two concepts to create the Holaria. A brand that uses porcelain as raw material and support for its creations, telling stories through objects
The Holaria has the culture of creating something new from the traditional skills of the porcelain industry. We do this by associating the technological advances of Design and Engineering with the technical and productive capacity of the industry.
As part of the Germer Porcelanas Profissionais group, one of the leading brands in the national dishware market, Holaria is strategically located in South Brazil. This allows us to take advantage of the modern equipment and production techniques implemented by Germer in recent years, such as the natural gas-fired furnace – the most modern in Latin America. Resources those which guarantee to the creations of Holaria a wealth of details, bold and innovative forms and, mainly, high quality
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Unsere Freunde von Man Versus Machine rösten und produzieren seit 2014 Kaffeespezialitäten in München. Das Unternehmen ist zu 100 % unabhängig und die Kaffeebohnen zu 100 % hochwertig. Die regelmäßig wechselnden Röstungen machen die Sache für uns interessant, denn wir verwenden ihre Bohnen für unseren täglichen Batch-Brew in unserem Café.
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Diese superweichen und kuscheligen Hausschuhe aus 100 % Wolle werden diesen Winter zu Deinem besten Freund. Durch und durch wärmend, aber auch atmungsaktiv. Das perfekte Paar, um Deine Energiekosten diesen Winter niedrig zu halten.
Mit einer leichten Anti-Rutsch-Sohle sind winterliche Tanzpartys zu Hause mit einem Paar dieser Babys absolut machbar. Handwäsche bei 30°C mit Wollwaschmittel.
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Cafe: Montag-Sonntag 10:00 - 17:00 (Küche bis 15:30)
Store: Montag-Samstag 10:00 - 18:00
© 2025 Hallesches Haus GmbH